A parallelised DNS resolver
Hellfire is a parallelised DNS resolver. It is written in Go and for the purpose of generating input lists to PATHspider, though may be useful for other applications.
If you already have Go installed on your system, you can install hellfire with:
go get pathspider.net/hellfire/...
Usage: hellfire --topsites [--file=<filename>] [--output=<individual|array|oneeach>] [--type=<host|ns|mx>] [--canid=<canid address>] hellfire --cisco [--file=<filename>] [--output=<individual|array|oneeach>] [--type=<host|ns|mx>] [--canid=<canid address>] hellfire --citizenlab [--country=<cc>|--file=<filename>] [--output=<individual|array|oneeach>] [--type=<host|ns|mx>] [--canid=<canid address>] hellfire --opendns [--list=<name>|--file=<filename>] [--output=<individual|array|oneeach>] [--type=<host|ns|mx>] [--canid=<canid address>] hellfire --csv --file=<filename> [--output=<individual|array|oneeach>] [--type=<host|ns|mx>] [--canid=<canid address>] hellfire --txt --file=<filename> [--output=<individual|array|oneeach>] [--type=<host|ns|mx>] [--canid=<canid address>] Options: -h --help Show this screen. --version Show version.
Hellfire is capable of taking its input list from a file, and also of downloading the latest version of an input list directly from the Internet. The following sources are supported:
The source code for Hellfire is available on GitHub under a 2-clause BSD license and developer documentation is available on GoDoc.